CTI Infrastructure Q&A Series: Brooke Franklin

What is your official title at CTI? Human Resources Administrator
Give some background on what responsibilities you have at CTI within the Infrastructure team: I am responsible for a variety of tasks at CTI. Recently, in response to remote employment and the growth of CTI, we improved and redesigned the onboarding process as well as digitizing all of CTI’s Human Resource records. I conduct the onboarding training of all employees as it pertains to applicable HR systems, policies, and benefits. I work closely with CTI staff, as well as our external recruiters, to find the best talent for our positions through recruiting, coordinating interviews, and assisting with the hiring process. I assist with providing cross-functional support of other infrastructure departments, assist in maintaining compliant personnel records to ensure legal compliance, and assist with benefit selection, and research the data evaluation regarding the new LMS and training.
From your perspective, what is different about CTI that makes it successful? The difference that makes CTI successful is the people who make up the organization. CTI is filled with talented individuals who treat one another like family, empower one another to succeed and grow, celebrate accomplishments, and diligently work to create superior products. The culture at CTI brings out the talent, great energy, and individuality of its employees. I am proud, and thankful, to be part of a company that works collaboratively to create products and services that provide our men and women in uniform with the tools they need to successfully carry out their mission to defend our freedom.
How does your role empower CTI’s mission? I believe my role empowers CTI’s mission by working, in collaboration, with the incredible talent we have to find the best possible talent for each role at CTI. Focusing on professional and personal growth to empower each individual in their role, along with the amazing work culture, helps to ensure we maintain the incredibly talented individuals we have. We could not carry out our mission without all the hard work of all the talented and dedicated individuals at CTI.
CTI encourages its employees to retain a work-life balance. What are some ‘outside of work’ hobbies you enjoy? I enjoy watching my boys play baseball, and my daughter dance, reading, spending time with my family, game nights, hiking, and photography. I also enjoy anything near the water. There is something incredibly therapeutic about being near any body of water. Pre-COVID I enjoyed live theatre, live music, trying new restaurants, and going to baseball games – Go Cubs!